Sunday, February 19, 2012

help me in retrieving the value


thanks for my first post...this is my problem
i have two tables a, b
i wanted to compare the value frm a with b but the probs is the table doesnt repesent the full value in b

eg...table a has value sav
able b has value savyyy

i need to pull this savyyyy frm b table but i dont want to like this
select col_tablea, col_tableb from tablea, tableb where
col_tablea like col_tableb%

this doesnt work i know its wrong without usng
select col_tablea, col_tableb from tablea, tableb where
col_tablea like sav% (i wanted to specify the colname instaead of the word, is it possible)

help me pleaseIs it one to one relationship?|||select col_a,col_b from savvy,savvy1 where savvy1.col_b like savvy.col_a + '%'|||hi ,

thanks a in tons, it really was too helpful
thanks once again

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