Sunday, February 19, 2012

Help me Please to Create this TRIGGER

Hi everybody,

How can I Update a field from another table by Trigger? Can someone send me the statment to do it?

I have a table called Clients with fields : ID_Clients, Client
And Another called Doc with fields : ID_Doc, ID_Clients, Client

These tables are in different databases and I would like to esure the integrity by add a Trigger to update in Docs table the field Client everytime its changed in the Clients table.

Thanks for Attetion.

Leonardo AlmeidaThis is not a forum for tutorials.

Here is some sample code:

CREATE TRIGGER YourTrigger ON dbo.YourTable
update DBName.DBTable
set YourField = inserted.YourField
from DBName.DBTable
inner join inserted on DBName.DBTable.KeyField = inserted.KeyField

Please read about triggers in Books Online and then post again if you have a specific question.


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