Friday, February 24, 2012

Help me please! (production DB marked as suspicious)

Hi everybody,

I have removed physical files: Name.DAT and NameLog.DAT
from folder and put older files there with the same names.
After restarting the engine has marked my DB as suspicious.

Then I moved previous files back - database still suspitious!!!

I have no idea how to restore data base status after removing phisical files?

I need help as my MS SQL 6.5 marked as suspicious my production
database.If you can replace the DB by this way,why MS give some backup,restore function?|||If you don't have a valid backup and all you have is the .Dat and .Log files. Try attaching those rather than just replacing the old files. Otherwise have a look at sp_resetstatus.

Cheers|||Sorry, I just noticed that you are on version 6.5. I'm not sure if the info will be valid for that version, you will have to try it to find out.


Originally posted by bmalar
If you don't have a valid backup and all you have is the .Dat and .Log files. Try attaching those rather than just replacing the old files. Otherwise have a look at sp_resetstatus.

Cheers|||True you should use SP_RESETSTATUS, before that use:

sp_configure 'allow updates',1
reconfigure with override

After the procedure is created, immediately disable updates to the system tables.
sp_configure 'allow updates',0

reconfigure with override

... then use SP_RESETSTATUS and reboot the server.

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