Friday, February 24, 2012

Help me to understand!

Hi All,

I need to build a report which is showing client who did not order since particular period, but have ordered within the past 3 months.

Is anyone can help me to understand the technique to get that data?

Thanks in advance.

hi Ron,

you need help in query or designing the reports.

query i think will be like this

select CustomerName from Customers Where CustomerId not in (select distinct customerid from Orders where OrdDate between @.fromdt and @.todt)

and CustomerId in (Select distinct customerid from Orders where orddate betwen getdate() and dateadd(m,-3,getdate())

hope it works.




Thanks Satish,

It works.


Hi Satish,

Now my problem is that I want just showing the customer with the last invoice date. So something like this:

CustName Inv.Date
MER01 09/06/2006
JUN01 09/30/2006

Right now, I got multiple item with the same customer since their invoice date is different. I try using MAX(InvoiceDate), but
it seems did not work out.

Any idea...

|||I solved the problem. Thanks.|||

hi ronn

see if following helps out in case you want separate query if you want with earlier one let me know but first try if you can fight a bit on your own :)

select top 1 CustomerName, InvDate from Customers Inner Join Invoice on Invoice.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID

group by CustomerName, InvDate

order by InvDate Desc



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