Monday, February 27, 2012

help me!beginner create database password

I've learn DotNetNuke.I don't know how to create passID and userID for database sqlserver2005 express.someone help me.Thanks!thanks!You can do that by using the appropiate TSQL command, like sp_AddLogin and so forth, but as a beginner I would suggest you to use the SQL Server Management Express which has a graphical interface to administer the server instance. You will have to create a user and map the user to the appropiate database. There you will have to either grant him a role or dedicated permissions on the securables (objects) within the database.

HTH, Jens K. Suessmeyer.|||

can you help me how step by step I have to do:

right click database(example I've created database name"dotnetnuke")?

then choose properties->choose permissions?

Or can you tell me TSQL command...?

Thank you very much!


I've created new users name"dnnusers" and set some permissions but I've recieved some instructions:

"Grant failed for Database 'DotNetNuke'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)"why?

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