Monday, February 27, 2012

Help me with Derived Column Transformation

I have this expression
(Registered_Units == Limited_Units) ? 0 : (Painted_Units / (Registered_Units - Limited_Units)) * 100)

It gives me 0.00, although those 3 columns have values.

if I cast it like this

(Registered_Units == Limited_Units) ? 0 : ((((DT_DECIMAL,2)Painted_Units) / ((DT_DECIMAL,2) (Registered_Units - Limited_Units))) * 100)

It gives me correct answer in whole number but .00 after decimal.

Any clue how to fix it ?

Try casting the 100 to a decimal as well...

Dave Fackler

|||Hi Dave,

Thankyou for your reply.
I have changed the expression to following and it works
(Registered_Units == Limited_Units) ? 0 : ((DT_DECIMAL,2)((DT_DECIMAL,2)((Painted_Units * 100)) / ((DT_DECIMAL,2)(Registered_Units - Limited_Units))))

I appreciate your response.

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