Sunday, February 19, 2012

help me in connection

I am using sql server and c# (windows application)>>

the task is to retrieve records from table in the database and view it in page load , with the abilty to choose the records >>

this means that select range >>> e.g. from 3 to 7 (this can done by textbox)

so how can i do this >>

then I shall have two search buttons ( by name and by id) >> how can I implement that >>>

the last thing is to do the validation for every thing i can validate how I can do this >>>

thank u at the beginning for help me


I am using sql server and c# (windows application)>>

Since you are writing a Windows application, and these forums are for ASP.NET, you should post your question on theMSDN forums.


SqlConnection cn =

new SqlConnection("User ID=sa;password=;Initial Catalog=Training;Data Source=local");


DataSet ds =

new DataSet();

SqlDataAdapter da =

new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Students where ID = '"+ textBox1.Text + "'", cn);

da.Fill(ds, "Students");

dataGrid1.DataSource = ds;


does this do the task

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