Sunday, February 19, 2012

Help me getting started

I am new to ssrs,

Iam facing the following problem with reportviewer parameter

1) I have a dataset added to the project under app_code which has the following querry select * from emp

2) In the rdlc i have two columns empname,deptid,i have added a parameter called deptid with type as int

3) I have a webpage with reportviewer i have mapped the reportviewer to the rdlc file and datasource

4)on click of a button i want to display emp details from a particular deptid alone , so i added these lines on click of the button

ReportViewer1.ShowReportBody =true;

ReportParameter rpt =newReportParameter("deptid", Text1.Text);

this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(newReportParameter[] { rpt });

But stil it is showing all the emp details


After you setting the filter parameter to the ReportView, you should make it refresh to see the result.


If i misunderstand you about your question, please feel free to correct me and i will try to help you with more information.

I hope the above information will be helpful. If you have any issues or concerns, please let me know. It's my pleasure to be of assistance


HI Rex Lin,

Even after setting , ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh();

I get all the details instead of getting those employee who are from the corresponding department,

Should i write a seperate method to fetch the employees of the corresponding dept or the reportviewer will automatically fetch the corresponding employees,

If i have not made my question clear in the previous question i will make myself clear now,

1) I added a dataset with the querry select empname,deptid from emp

2) In the rdlc i have added two details column (empname and deptid)
I have added one parameter by right clicking out of rdlc and added a parameter called 'deptid'

3) In the aspx page i have added reportviewer Choosed the rdlc i have created just above this point
I have not done any changes with ObjectDatasource1 which is created on associating reportviewer with rdlc

4) I have added the following piece of code in page load

ReportViewer1.ShowReportBody = true;
ReportParameter rpt = new ReportParameter("deptid", "39");
this.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { rpt });

5) Still i get all the employees instead of getting employee from deptid = 39



Please double check your sql statement and

I'd rather do it in that way:

SELECT LastName, FirstName, EmailAddress, Phone, ContactID
FROM Person.Contact
WHERE (LastName LIKE @.LastName ) AND (Phone LIKE @.Area )

aspx code:

ReportViewer1.ShowReportBody = true;
ReportViewer1.Visible = true;
ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;

strLastName = txtLastName.Text.ToString().Trim();
strArea = txtArea.Text.ToString().Trim();

ReportParameter[] param = new ReportParameter[2];
param[0] = new ReportParameter("LastName", strLastName + "%", false);
param[1] = new ReportParameter("Area", strArea + "%", false);


If i misunderstand you about your question, please feel free to correct me and i will try to help you with more information.

I hope the above information will be helpful. If you have any issues or concerns, please let me know. It's my pleasure to be of assistance


HI Rex Lin,

Thank you very much for your kind help,

This discussion has definetly given me some idea about ssrs and report viewer control,

Again Thanks a lot




You are welcome, prasanna.

It's my pleasure!

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