Sunday, February 19, 2012

Help me friends...

Dear All,
I am a software programmer at initio i wish to improve my back-end side in SQL Server 2000.

I wish to learn it asap and i wish to become Database Administrator.

So, I need your help as i am a beginner and if you have any links or turorial to learn it please provide me.

Truly yours,
I suggest you go to and go to the links for SQL Server. You can also try, as they have lots of material about SQL Server their too. As you say you're a programmer, try to keep in mind that designing, implementing and maintaining a relational database requires a different way of looking at things than it does in most programming environments. Do some research on relational database management systems (RDBMS), as that's the core idea that SQL Server is built around. Once you start thinking in terms of data structure, rather than in procedural processing, you'll find the topic a lot easier to digest. Good luck. BRN..|||I totally agree with Brian27. You really should be checking outthe source of the database, and that would be Onething to understand and acknowledge is that you will not be proficientwithout experience. I've seen people read these tutorials,how-to's, and life stories without experiencing the design from startto end on a number of occasions. They always make a trainwreck ofthings, and it's a very frustrating experience. Your best bet isto read the articles written (aspalliance has a bunch of good onestoo), and try to get yourself involved in the database design processat your current employer if they have a DBA. You can also look upinformation on the MCDBA, as that exam gets pretty extensive in thedatabase management.
Good Luck, and hope you find what you're looking for.

Dear Sir,

Thanking you for your such a valuable suggestion.
I am also seeking job for team environment where i can have such options.. as my current employer dont have much expansion capability. I am good at VB,ASP and at Entry Level for .Net.

So, can you help me in this regard ?

With regards,
< Max_007 >

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