Friday, March 9, 2012

Help needed about databases!


I'm a newbie to SQL server.... l'm building a website where companies can save important data. I have a SQL server available but I'm not sure how to store the data. Should I create a new database for every user or should I store everything in the same database and then use a UserId to recognize the data and the user? What about the case where I reaches let's say 1000 users in the one user per database case, it would be extremly difficult to have an overview of the databases or what?

The data stored for each user are stored in tables which are exactly the same so all tables could be gathered into one table and then a UserId could tell which records belong to whom.

Hope my english isn't too bad..otherwise just ask me questions and I'll get back A.S.A.P.



You probably should just use a single database. Unless there are overriding issues like you distribute the database to the company. Then you wouldn't want one company to get another companies data. I'm assuming there is a single application where all the companies log in to the same site. If each company has separate sites, then you might actually need separate apps (and databases) for each.

Single app / db is easier to maintain but realize that changes for one then apply to all.


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