Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Help on Security of reports acccess

Dear all,
If I need to give acces to a particular folder and report type based on
groups of user's where this can be configured ?
For instance typically a user belonging to group MAINTENANCE will be able to
use reports only from maintenance folder and groups of QUALITY reports from
quality folder.
The yshould only use the report and not have access to datasource even
seeing them
Do I use the adminstrativ part of report server or should I create
authorisation and credential rights inside the Web.Config file of my report
server '
thnaks for help
sergeIf you are using Report Manager to deliver the reports the security can be
configured right from there. Browse to the Report Manager web page
(http://myserver/reports). If your account has admin privileges then you
can edit the security, found under Properties for each folder. I am using
this to deliver reports for Accounting, Warehouse, and Transportation from
the same server, and each group sees only the reports I want them to see.
They also don't have access to the data source.
Just make sure that all groups have access to the home folder of Report
Manager, otherwise they won't get too far.

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