Friday, March 30, 2012

Help on understanding generated MDX WHERE clause

When your reporting services datasource is a cube, MDX is generated when you use the design view. In the MDX editor the generated MDX can be viewed. Using parameters I always get a where clause with code like the following:

IIF( STRTOSET(@.OrgLevelname, CONSTRAINED).Count = 1, STRTOSET(@.OrgLevelname, CONSTRAINED), [Organisation].[Level 2 name].currentmember )

I like to understand what is generated. Is there something I can read on the generated WHERE clause (I do understand the generated SELECT and FROM clauses)? Or can someone shed a light on it?

Why does the MDX need to branch on 'Count = 1' In what way does the result slice my data when Count = 1 or when Count <> 1?


I think this is what Reed Jacobson is talking about here:

To find out more about how subcubes and the Where clause work, see:




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