Monday, March 26, 2012

Help on Profiler

I have setup a sqltrace to trace another sql server and
write to local sql table. I have try to defind the
template but it can't save the trace server and write to
local sql table. Is it possible to execute the sql trace
by simple way?
It's never a good idea to trace and have it write directly to a table. You
should always have it write to a file on a locally attached drive. You can
then easily import the file into a table later. This way you will have the
least amount of impact on the server while tracing. See the following and
the associated sp's in BooksOnLine.
Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP
"Alan" <> wrote in message
> Hello:
> I have setup a sqltrace to trace another sql server and
> write to local sql table. I have try to defind the
> template but it can't save the trace server and write to
> local sql table. Is it possible to execute the sql trace
> by simple way?
> Thanks!

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