Friday, March 23, 2012

Help on how to 1 way push data

Hi there
Maybe Im missing something but..
I have a order tracking system running on sales peoples laptop's. When they connect to the company Network (via dialup) at Night I want to push all off there orders to a named SQL, and then remove those orders from their own laptop.
So in a sense, Its like a one way merge with a delete, or even a push from MSDE to the main SQL server.
I dont want existing data pushed back to the laptop.. SO its all one way.
Any ideas? or help
I have seen merge used for this - you can have a filter of 1=2 on the
tables. This ensures that subscriber inserts are replicated to teh
publisher, and then deletes are replicated back because the filter is not
satisfied. However, this can be a bit buggy if inserts are still carried out
on the subscriber while the merge agent is running (some of the new rows
won't be removed when next running the merge agent). Provided you can
prevent this, or it won't happen in your particular business, then this is a
viable solution.
Alternatively, each laptop could be configured as a transactional publisher
with HO as a central subscriber and for the delete command, 'none' is
entered to prevent the replication of deletes.
Finally, you could use DTS/linked servers to accomplish the same thing.
Paul Ibison
|||Hi Paul
Thanks for your reply. Could you just explain the
> you can have a filter of 1=2 on the
> tables. This ensures that subscriber inserts are replicated to teh
> publisher, and then deletes are replicated back because the filter is not
> satisfied.
please as this sounds about the right way - as the users will not be adding new records at the time of syncronisation (they are basically using the Win Xp Syncronisation tool i.e. Annonymous.
in the filter section of the publication properties, on the filter rows tab
you specify this filter:
SELECT <published_columns> FROM [dbo].[yourtable] WHERE 2=1
Paul Ibison

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