Friday, March 23, 2012

Help on ETL

I'm still new to datawarehousing and right now I'm stuck on ETL. So can
anybody give me some links to a good online resurces about ETL technics.
I have publushed the C (and cobol) code you need to emulate to load large
star schema DWs on my personal web page Can't do much
more for free than publish the code you need to emulate..;-)
I have also published a lot of other materials there...
If you are using SQL Server you might want to use DTS.
Best Regards
"Mark00" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm still new to datawarehousing and right now I'm stuck on ETL. So can
> anybody give me some links to a good online resurces about ETL technics.
> Thanks,
> Marius
>|||Hello Mark,
Check out the following links. These will help you get started using
DTS as an ETL development platform.
The link below is a great overview of DTS designer
DTS white papers
DTS programming Techniques Used in Microsoft SQL Server Accelerator for
Business Intelligence
Best Practices for Using DTS for Business Intelligence Solutions
(updated web version)
Hope this helps
Myles Matheson
Data Warehouse Architect|||C and COBOL? Are the comments written in King James english?
"Peter Nolan" <> wrote in message
> Marius,
> I have publushed the C (and cobol) code you need to emulate to load large
> star schema DWs on my personal web page Can't do much
> more for free than publish the code you need to emulate..;-)
> I have also published a lot of other materials there...
> If you are using SQL Server you might want to use DTS.
> Best Regards
> Peter
> "Mark00" <> wrote in message
> news:O%23yTWoydFHA.3808@.TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl...
>|||Hi JT,
That's the 'free' stuff that includes many of the features needed to
build a DW...we used it in many clients in the 90s.....(I've been
doing DWs since 1991 when C++ was a novelty and Java was a long time
from being invented...and cobol was still lingua franka of all
computing....) I published it because I am often asked how to build
the ETL code to load type1/2 dimensions, facts, summaries
answer was..."here is the code you need to replicate the functionality
of for free." I can't do much more than that for
free...(LOL)....also, because there are so many ETL tools, and they
have collapsed their processing and data structures, it's almost
pointless to publish code that loads DWs in any particular tool. I
released templates for loading Sybase IWS in DataStage and Informatica
and got absolutely no interest in them at all...which surprised me....
The advanced C++/ODBC current version of our software that runs across
a variety of platforms, is not free so it's not published...;-) Though
I have published a lot of the source code for the free utilities my
company has me if you want the address of our
company. my personal email is I don't want to be
putting my company address much like advertising and I don't
want to do that here...
You might not believe this, but I believe there is still more cobol
code out there than C++/Java/VB etc put together.....all speaking King
James english... (LOL)!!!

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