Friday, March 23, 2012

Help on error trying to migrate cube AS2000 to AS2005

Hi, all.
I'm using Migrate Database wizard to migrate my cubes from AS2000 to SSAS2005.
It begin to work and I see in the processing window Data sources, Dimensions, Cubes but it finish with the error:

"My OLAP Server;............ Cannot parse the FromClause property."

Someone can help me?


In AS2000, the FromClause and JoinClause string properties (and sometime an additional filter) were used to specify the SQL source for objects. In AS2005 the DataSourceView object was introduced (with the System.Data.DataSet that has DataTables, DataColumns, DataRelations).

The migration wizard is parsing the FromClause and JoinClause properties, to generate the DataSourceView. Sometimes the parsing of those SQL strings fails and this is the error you have.

Some reasons for parsing failures are legitimate (for example you can manually create an object with DSO and set invalid FromClause and/or JoinClause properties), other reasons are defects in the migration wizard (for example a certain valid SQL syntax was overlooked in the parser).

To find out what is happening in your case, we'll need to see the FromClause. If the FromClause doesn't contain any private information, you can either post it here or send it to me at adumitrascu at hotmail dot com, so I can take a look.

I'll post a message in a bit with a sample DSO code on how to get the FromClause.

Adrian Dumitrascu

|||Dim s As New DSO.Server
Dim db As DSO.Database
Dim c As DSO.Cube

s.Connect "localhost"
Set db = s.MDStores("the name of the database")
Set c = db.Cubes("the name of the cube")

'print out these properties:
' c.FromClause
' c.JoinClause
' c.SourceTable
' c.SourceTableAlias
' c.SourceTableFilter


Thank you, Adrian.

I will try to use your sample.

But my database has about 10 cubes; how I can identify on which cube fails the migration wizard ?



The error message should specify the object path for which the FromClause could not be parsed. It might be a Dimension, Cube, Partition, MiningModel or MiningColumn. Also, in migration wizard, the error should appear associated with the object (if not, then we'll need to discover it from the path string).


the message "Cannot parse the FromClause property." is preceded from

"My OLAP Server;xxxxx;zzzzz:"

where "xxxxx" is the name of the database that contains my cubes and "zzzzz" is one of the dimensions.

Is "zzzzz" the object to which you refer ?



Yes, the "zzzzz" is the object; the fragment "My OLAP Server;xxxxx;zzzzz" is a path for an object, starting with the server name, then database name.


Analyzing the "FromClause property" it is emerged that the table to which the dimension refers has a name like:


The parser in the migration wizard doesn't support the '£' character at the start of the table name in dbo"."£tablename". It would support it in the table name, but not as the start.

Migration wizard will need to be fixed, but meanwhile, a work-around is to create a renamed view on top of "dbo"."£tablename" and use that view in AS2000.

Thank you Adrian.

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