Friday, March 23, 2012

Help on delete statement

I have two tables.
MySymbol, BloombergSymbol
A, A_Bloomberg
B, B_Bloomberg

MySymbol, Open, High, Low, Close

I want to perform one task--Delete all the records in table2 whose MySymbol matches one given BloombergSymbol in table1.

3x.which dbms is this?|||Try this query:

Delete Table2.* from Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON Table1.MySymbol = Table2.MySymbol|||Alternate syntax :

DELETE FROM table2 WHERE MySymbol IN (SELECT MySymbol FROM table1)

n.b. I have based this on MySQL syntax which may or may not work in your DB.|||sql server
which dbms is this?|||this one works.
thank you guys.

Alternate syntax :

DELETE FROM table2 WHERE MySymbol IN (SELECT MySymbol FROM table1)

n.b. I have based this on MySQL syntax which may or may not work in your DB.|||For SQL Server use:

DELETE table2
FROM table2
INNER JOIN table1 ontable2.MySymbol = table1.MySymbol

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