Friday, March 23, 2012

Help on DB design

I have a form where users can choose number of file uploads ( drop down ) and upload images. I need to store the path of images in database.I want to know what is the best way to store multiple file upload paths. As per my knowledge it possible to store paths in one field with delimiter. Is there any other good way to store the paths.


It depends,

You have 3 (or more) options,

Store as Individual Table(rows

Each file will be stored as single row with key field.

The master table can hold the key field & number of files

Store as Delimited Value

If you use SQL server 2000, you are not allowed to store more than 8000 chars, otherwise you have to change the data type to LOB(text). In SQL Server 2005 you can use the Varchar(max).

Manipulations need to be done on the UI.

Single row modification can’t be done on the UI, you have to stick with your UI.

Store as XML value

If you use SQL Server 2005, you can use new data type XML.

You can store at any number of chars

Easy to manipulate on Database itself.

Structured & Well Managed

My Rank is – 1.XML, 2.Table(rows), 3.Delimited value

|||^Thank you Manivannan.D.Sekaran . I will follow Table(rows) as i am using sql server 2000.

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