Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Help on calculated member

I don't know how to do this.

I have one table "services" with a field "clasification" and a another table "serviceschange" with a field "clasificationchange". The two tables are related with foreign key. The serviceschange table has a field idservices (a fk to the services table).

I want to show in the fact table the name and the clasification of a service (the name is in the services table) but for the clasification i have to do this:

If the id of the service is in the serviceschange table i have to show the clasifiactionchange of this table, but if the serviceschange doesn't have the id i want to show the field clasification of the services table. How i can do this? is it possibly?

Assuming AS 2005, and that services is a dimension, classification can be defined as an attribute of the services dimension. A named query like the following could be created in the DSV, to be used as the dimension table for services (if there is at most 1 entry for a service in serviceschange - otherwise grouping may be necessary):


select sv.idservices, sv.servicename, coalesce(sc.classificationchange, sv.classification) as classification

from services sv

left outer join serviceschange sc

on sv.idservices = sc.idservices



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