Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Help On Buffer latch timeout

Time out occurred while waiting for buffer latch type 2,bp 0x18b7d40, page 1:11558916), stat 0xb, object ID 9:1842105603:2, EC 0x5862D9C8 : 0, waittime 300. Not continuing to wait.
What does this mean any reason and fix for it..?
ThanksI don't see a reference to the database ID. Usually page reference can be seen in the form 2:1:12312, where 2 is the database id (tempdb in this case), 1 is the file number (1st data file), and the object id (ALL THIS IS RIGHT IF I RECALL CORRECTLY!)

Also, check Buffer Latch Timeouts or Server Sluggishness Occurs When You Remove Procedures From Cache (;EN-US;309093) for references.

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