Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Help needed - Moving database from one server to another server

I need to move database from an SQL 2000 SP4 to a SQL 2005 SP1 server. I
tried the import/export wizard but it is giving me an error. Would I be
able to do a backup from the SQL 2000 SP4 server and then do a restore on
the SQL 2005 SP1.
Any help would be appreciated...
Eric Sabo
It's easier to do a backup/restore or detach/copy/attach.
Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA, MCITP, MCTS
SQL Server MVP
Toronto, ON Canada
"Sabo, Eric" <> wrote in message
I need to move database from an SQL 2000 SP4 to a SQL 2005 SP1 server. I
tried the import/export wizard but it is giving me an error. Would I be
able to do a backup from the SQL 2000 SP4 server and then do a restore on
the SQL 2005 SP1.
Any help would be appreciated...
Eric Sabo

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