Friday, March 9, 2012

Help Needed For reporting service error(An internal error occurred on the report server)

Hi experts
I am working on sql server reporting services 2005. And now a days i
am facing a problem.
Some times when i want to run a report the at that time i am geting
the following error msg
"An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log
for more details."
This eroor not every time come when i run the reports and if i agian
pres the view report button then in 2nd or 3rd attemt
same report run and shows the correct data.
But it is not good to see any error msg during running the report. I
have checked the log file but there no eoor msg is
So if any one have any idea abt this how to solve this problem Please
help me.
Becuase now a days it is comming more freqently.
Any help will be gratefull.
DineshIt sounds like you have the PerfCounters issue on an AMD Processor server.
If you check the SRS error logs in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\MSSQL.#\Reporting Services\LogFiles you will probably find an
"ASSERT" message in there.
Edit your boot.ini file and add the following switch to your boot.ini and
see if that fixes the issue /usepmtimer
More information regarding this can be found here:
Chris Alton, Microsoft Corp.
SQL Server Developer Support Engineer
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
> From: Dinesh <>
> Newsgroups: microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs
> Subject: Help Needed For reporting service error(An internal error
occurred on the report server)
> Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:23:20 -0700
> Hi experts
> I am working on sql server reporting services 2005. And now a days i
> am facing a problem.
> Some times when i want to run a report the at that time i am geting
> the following error msg
> "An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log
> for more details."
> This eroor not every time come when i run the reports and if i agian
> pres the view report button then in 2nd or 3rd attemt
> same report run and shows the correct data.
> But it is not good to see any error msg during running the report. I
> have checked the log file but there no eoor msg is
> listed.
> So if any one have any idea abt this how to solve this problem Please
> help me.
> Becuase now a days it is comming more freqently.
> Any help will be gratefull.
> Regards
> Dinesh

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