Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Help Merge Replication

Hi to all,

I'm writing an application with Comact Framework 2.0 and I'd like to use merge replication to synchronize data among the sever and 25 Pocket PC.

The DataBase contains static tables (for configuration) and dynamic tables that I want to publish.

Configuration tables are small so no problem to publish them. The problem is with dynamic table and that's my first question:

One of these dynamic tables contains 150,000 records and data inside it (I can't use filter because all data must be "seen" to all POcket PC) should be published on each Pocket PC so: Is it possible to use merge replication with such big table?

Or is there another method to treat this kind of problem?

Should I use merge replication only for configuration tables?

If it's possible to use merge replication, what's the best hardware configuration for my server?

For example:

1) One PC for IIS and one for SQL Server with 2 CPU

2) or two PC in NLB so that request from Pocket PC's to IIS are balanced?

I'musing SQL Server 2005 SP1 and Windows CE 5.0



there's no table size limit for a table to be published by merge replication, 150k rows should not be a problem. Regarding your hardware configuration, it's up to you as it will depend if you're getting bottlenecks or not. Test with one configuration to see if there are any bottlenecks that can be relieved by the other configuration.

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