Wednesday, March 7, 2012

help me~~about sql server 2005

use AdventureWorks
select * from sales.customer --it's error!why?
select * from Sales.Customer--it's right!

how to let sqlserver2005 IgnoreCase ?

This issue is related to your database collation setting.

You can search Books online for more information on collation.

You can try run this to find out what your database collation is:

SELECT databasepropertyex(AdventureWorks','collation')

The collation of your database makes your query case sensitive.

If you want a quick change, you can change your database to another collation which is not case sensitive, for examle:

ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS



but when i run follow:

ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

it throw error and prompt some view ,table etc,depend on the current collation




There are some limitations on altering collation of a database, maybe there are some SCHEMABINGING views in the database. Please refers to SQL2005 Books Online, and locate:

'ALTER DATABASE (Transact-SQL)' topic ->'Remarks' section->'Changing theDatabase Collation'.

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