Monday, March 26, 2012

Help on N - Tier architecture ?

1. I am in process of designing N-Tier Application using ASP.NET. Can
anyone guide me the right material or microsoft guidelines document
which I can used in designing the N-Tier application.
2. I would also like to know whether to use Web Services or .Net
Remoting in designing N-Tier application
3. General 3 Tier architecture has 3 Tier : Presentation Layer ,
Business Layer and Database Layer
How this 3 layers are seperated out in N-Tier architecture.
Help would be very much appreciated.
Silent Ocean
This is a little off-topic for this newsgroup.
However, is a pretty good starting
poitn for architectural/design guidance for MS technologies.
Graeme Malcolm
Principal Technologist
Content Master
- a member of CM Group Ltd.
"Silent Ocean" <> wrote in message
1. I am in process of designing N-Tier Application using ASP.NET. Can
anyone guide me the right material or microsoft guidelines document
which I can used in designing the N-Tier application.
2. I would also like to know whether to use Web Services or .Net
Remoting in designing N-Tier application
3. General 3 Tier architecture has 3 Tier : Presentation Layer ,
Business Layer and Database Layer
How this 3 layers are seperated out in N-Tier architecture.
Help would be very much appreciated.
Silent Ocean

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