Friday, March 23, 2012

Help on global variable for insert statement

I am new to DTS, but really enjoy it and was wondering if someone could help me with the following small vb app.

I am using the following DTS insert statement to insert records into my table. I have multiple textboxes that needs to be filled and then inserted, none of them exept Nulls. How can I modify my code to insert those textboxes as well as run through the boxes and then check if they have nulls and NOT insert the ones that has nulls?

My form has 9 textboxes. Textbox1, 2, 3 Needs to insert values into the first column. Textbox4, 5, 6 into the second and then Texrbox7, 8, 9 into the last column.

My question is how do I format the following line of code to do what I need?

oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('1rowst', '2rowst', '3rowst')"

I think it is something like this, but I am Really not sure and some help would be greatly appretiated:

oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('Textbox1', 'Textbox4', 'Textbox7')"

I am really not sure.

Here is all the code:

Public Sub Task_Sub1(ByVal goPackage As Object)

Dim oTask As DTS.Task
'Dim oLookup As DTS.Lookup

Dim oCustomTask1 As DTS.ExecuteSQLTask2
oTask = CType(goPackage, DTS.Package).Tasks.New("DTSExecuteSQLTask")
oTask.Name = "DTSTask_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1"
oCustomTask1 = oTask.CustomTask

oCustomTask1.Name = "DTSTask_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1"
oCustomTask1.Description = "Execute SQL Task: undefined"
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = "Insert into TestTable (Test1, Test2, Test3) " & vbCrLf
oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('1rowst', '2rowst', '3rowst')"
oCustomTask1.ConnectionID = 1
oCustomTask1.CommandTimeout = 0
oCustomTask1.OutputAsRecordset = False

oCustomTask1 = Nothing
oTask = Nothing

End Sub

This sentence is confusing: "I have multiple textboxes that needs to be filled and then inserted, none of them exept Nulls."

Do you mean that the table fields do not accept NULL values?

If I recall correctly, a textbox cannot contain a NULL value. At the minimum, it contains an 'empty string'.

In your code sniplet, you are inserting the value '1rowst' in the field [Test1], etc. There is no ambiguity about NULL values.

Perhaps I am missing something. Could you please expand upon your request so in order to clear up the confusion?


I am sorry, lack of english.

My form has 9 textboxes. Textbox1, 2, 3 Needs to insert values into the first column. Textbox4, 5, 6 into the second and then Texrbox7, 8, 9 into the last column.

My question is how do I format the following line of code do do what I need?

oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('1rowst', '2rowst', '3rowst')"

I think it is something like this, but I am Really not sure and some help would be greatly appretiated:

oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('Textbox1', 'Textbox4', 'Textbox7')"

I am really not sure.



I'm still confused. Please help me clarify.

You wish to put all the contents of three textboxes into a single field in the table?

"Textbox1, 2, 3 Needs to insert values into the first column"

If that is the situation, why not just have one textbox -not three?


No, sorry Arnie,

Textbox 1,4,7 go in column 1

TextBox 2, 5, 8 Go in column 2

TextBox 3, 6, 9 Go in column 3

I need my application to insert the values into the Database. If there is Nulls in the textbox go to the next record.

I think the code should go something like this:

If Textbox2 = '' then

oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('" Textbox1.Text "', '" Textbox4.Text "', '" Textbox7.Text "')"

Elseif Textbox3 = '' then

oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('" Textbox1.Text "', '" Textbox4.Text "', '" Textbox7.Text "')"


oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('" Textbox2.Text "', '" Textbox5.Text "', '" Textbox8.Text"')"

As you can see I am throwing a rock into the grass, because I am not % 100 sure if this is correct.

Thanks for the patience Arnie


If I am understanding you correctly, it appears that you wish to load textbox values into the table depending upon the status of other textbox values.

Your use of the IF...ELSEIF structure may work just fine for your intentions. Something like this might work.

IF Textbox1.Text = '' Then

IF Textbox2.Text = '' Then

oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('" + Textbox3.Text + "', '" + Textbox6.Text + "', '" + Textbox9.Text + "')"


oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('" Textbox2.Text + "', '" + Textbox5.Text + "', '" + Textbox8.Text + "')"



oCustomTask1.SQLStatement = oCustomTask1.SQLStatement & "Values ('" + Textbox1.Text + "', '" + Textbox4.Text + "', '" + Textbox7.Text + "')"


|||That was exactly what I needed. Thanks Arnie|||Of course you should be careful with this method since this is completely vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

Just a friendly reminder.|||


Thank you very much for that. I was not familiar with that at all. I just want to make sure. This is a big issue with web applications (wich mine is not). Is that correct?


|||Yes it is, but it's completely possible from within windows forms applications as well. So it's definitely something to watch out for.

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