Friday, March 23, 2012

Help on Emails & scheduled Jobs

Hi All,
The name of the Server was changed which in turn gave me the following
error when I tried to delete the jobs
Error 14274: Cannot add, update, or delete a job (or its steps or
schedules) that originated from an MSX server.
The job was not saved.
Knowing that it has to do with the Originator server in the sysjobs
table; I hacked the table ( now I think not a good idea ) and deleted
all the jobs that I wanted to delete and performed the same task on
Now although I have accomplished the deletion of the jobs.
But I still get emails ( job failure notifications) for the deleted
jobs exactly at the time they were scheduled.
This is driving me crazy as I do not how to stop these emails .
Any help is appreciated.
Thank youcheck the sysjobsteps and the sysjobschedules tables. Since you have
deleted the entries from the sysjobs table, you will not be able to
tell by job_id.
But if you look into the command and step name (if you have given a
meaningful name when you create the step, that will be easier to spot
out the email notification steps) from the SYSJOBSTEPS table and the
name (if you have given a meaningful name when you schedule the job)
from the SYSJOBSCHEDULES table.
Obviousbly it is not advisable to modify the system tables directly but
since we have a bad start already, so ... find the records (email
notification step and schedule) and delete it from the tables (backup
the the table first).
Thank you for the info.
I did see job steps and job schedules of the deleted jobs in the table.
So I wenty ahead and deleted them .
Now I have the data for only the job ( that I want ).
Hopefully this will stop emails being sent out (notifcation) for
deleted jobs.
Thank you again|||Hi All,
Removing the records from sysjobschedules and sysjobsteps did not help.
I am still receiving emails.
Please advice|||You mentioned the name of a server was changed, was it the target
server or the master server where the job was stored?
I believe that you have deleted the jobs on the MSX server (mentioned
in your post). It may be the target server not yet received the new
set of instruction (do nothing - jobs have deleted). Run the stored
procedure as below to enforce it to happen (on the master job server):
USE msdb
EXEC sp_resync_targetserver 'target server name'
sp_resync_targetserver deletes the current set of instructions for the
target server and posts a new set for the target server to download.
The new set consists of an instruction to delete all multiserver jobs,
followed by an insert for each job currently targeted at the server.
Mel|||If the above doesn't help.
Run this to see what is available for the target servers to download
from the master.
To force a target server to poll the master server.
If you make changes to multiserver job definitions outside of SQL
Server Enterprise Manager (which it is in this case), you must post the
changes to the download list so that target servers can download the
updated job again. To ensure that target servers have the most current
job definitions, post an INSERT instruction after you update the
multiserver job:
EXECUTE sp_post_msx_operation 'INSERT', 'JOB', '<job id>'
Check BOL for more details for the above stored procedures.

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