Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Help needed

Hello geeks,
I am new to database thing, wanted to know that does MS reporting services 2005 works with SQL 2000..? if yes than can any one please give me reference link.
I appreciate for the efforts to be taken by you people.


SQL Server 2000 had its own version of Reporting Services, so I think you'd want to use that instead.

However, I moved this thread over to the SSRS forum in case there's a more authoritative answer. TFS forums aren't the right place for a question like this.



1.) You can use SQL 2000 as the data source for your SQL RS 2005 reports.

2.)You can also set up your report server to use SQL 2000 as it's reportserver database.
This will not, however, get around the need to license SQL 2005 for Reporting Services.

For #1 you will simply point your report datasource to the SQL 2000 instance.

For #2 you will need to install SQL 2005 Reporting Services with the configure later option. You will then go into the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and point to an existing SQL 2000 ReportServer database.

Hope this helps!

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