Friday, March 9, 2012

help needed update the datatable


I have my database stored in the sqlserver 2005. Using the table name i am retrieving the table and it is displayed to the user in the form of datagridview.I am allowing the user to modify the contents of the table, including the headers. Is it possible for me to update the table straightway rather than giving a sql update command for each and every row of the table .

Pls reply asap....


Sure is.

Though this really isnt a SQL Issue you have. You also forgot to mention what programming language you are using (VB.NET, C# etc) If you are using the datagrid and a dataset, then its easily possible however, depending on what .net platform you are using (1.1, 2.0) if you tell us, we will be able to help further.|||


sorry for the duplicate posting.I am using VC# and .net 2.0..



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