Monday, March 12, 2012

Help needed to find this server

Ok if any1 can find this id most appreciate it

Microsoft SQL server 64-bit (i have xeon) 2005 standard edition

thnxIn Windows Server 2003 SP1 (x86) with Sql Server 2000 I could use the following connectionstring no problem


Now I am using Windows Server 2003 x64 and SQL 2005 and I get this error:

Provider is not specified and there is no designated default provider.

If i try Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=Hello; i get

Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.

for DSNless this works fine:

Provider=sqloledb;driver={sql server};server=(local);database=Hello;uid=sa;pwd=p wd;

but i am forced to use DSN as it is in a closed source application

which uses set DSNs (the idea there being that you can change the

connections how you like in ODBC)

This means that i need the ODBC provider name that will work in here: Provider=...;DSN=Hello;

and then to use whatever works in there as the "default provider" but i cannot find any information anywhere on how to do this!

please reply ASAP!|||

hmm. . . what happens when you go to control panel | administrative tools | Datasources. Can you build a Datasource there that works?

Do you have a "Hello" dsn built there?

Check your SQL Server Configuration Manager and make sure your protocols are enabled.

And why would anyone build a SQL server app that runs on ODBC? Too many bugs there for my liking!

|||hmmm dont rly know this is for a game though and the computer is getin

taken to colo tomorow a place where servers run and its realy expencive

so we have to figure the problem by tomorow morning il tell him what u

just said and thnx

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