Monday, March 12, 2012

help needed on a silly query :P

hi ...
i m a new member
i want a help on this query(new user of sql :D )
yaa and the query is

create a rule and attach it to the service_code(column) of airline_service(Table) alow only the values 'cc','n' and 'wc' to be entered into the column

plz tell mee... :confused: ..i wlll be gr8 fulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ;)I suggest you to create a CHECK CONSTRAINT instead of a rule:

ALTER TABLE dbo.airline_service
ADD CONSTRAINT chk_servicecode CHECK (service_code IN ('cc', 'n', 'wc'))

Davide Mauri|||You could create a trigger or a check. I think a check is more likely what you'd like, fe:

use monkey

create table table1 (mycolumn varchar(10))

alter table table1 with check
add constraint df__myrule check
( mycolumn not in ('yes', 'allowed'))

insert into table1 (mycolumn) values ('yes')
insert into table1 (mycolumn) values ('no')

select *
from table1

drop table table1


EDIT: sniped!|||thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :o|||I hope your professor gives you full credit for that, but next time try to do your own homework first.|||I doubt if the Professor will give a credit!

He asked for a rule so it should be:

CREATE RULE list_rule
@.list IN ('cc', 'n', 'wc')

nomis|||That's for sure, but rules are to be considered deprecated, only for backward compatibility. So the CHECK solution is really better. :-)

Anyway, after adding the rule it must be binded with sp_bindrule

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