Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Help Needed - ISNULL when the field is already null..

I just noticed today, after a long time, that if you do a
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Field = Field
And that Field is null, it will return NOTHING at all...
Problem is, in my search stored procedures, I always use:
SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE Field = ISNULL(@.Field, Field)
So if the value is null, it simply avoid the check.
But now I'm screwed, for the first time I have to do this on fields that CAN
be null... and well, it returns NOTHING.
of course, WHERE Field IS NULL works like a charm, but I need this to be
working so if it's null, it skips the filter, if not, it does it.
Any help would be appreciated.Forgot to add...
the algorithm should be...
If null then don't check at all, return null and not null
but if not null, then must be it and only it...
I'm saying this, because I tried ISNULL(Field, 'foo') = ISNULL(@.Field,
'foo') and that, well, will only return rows with null values :-(
"Nicolas LeBlanc" <> a crit dans le
message de news:%23VrpzvdFFHA.3312@.TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
> Hello,
> I just noticed today, after a long time, that if you do a
> SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Field = Field
> And that Field is null, it will return NOTHING at all...
> Problem is, in my search stored procedures, I always use:
> SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE Field = ISNULL(@.Field, Field)
> So if the value is null, it simply avoid the check.
> But now I'm screwed, for the first time I have to do this on fields that
> be null... and well, it returns NOTHING.
> of course, WHERE Field IS NULL works like a charm, but I need this to be
> working so if it's null, it skips the filter, if not, it does it.
> Any help would be appreciated.
where colA = @.par1 or @.par1 is null
Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL
"Nicolas LeBlanc" wrote:

> Hello,
> I just noticed today, after a long time, that if you do a
> SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Field = Field
> And that Field is null, it will return NOTHING at all...
> Problem is, in my search stored procedures, I always use:
> SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE Field = ISNULL(@.Field, Field)
> So if the value is null, it simply avoid the check.
> But now I'm screwed, for the first time I have to do this on fields that C
> be null... and well, it returns NOTHING.
> of course, WHERE Field IS NULL works like a charm, but I need this to be
> working so if it's null, it skips the filter, if not, it does it.
> Any help would be appreciated.
>|||Read this article, which contains lots of info about doing this and similar
Adam Machanic
SQL Server MVP
"Nicolas LeBlanc" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I just noticed today, after a long time, that if you do a
> SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Field = Field
> And that Field is null, it will return NOTHING at all...
> Problem is, in my search stored procedures, I always use:
> SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE Field = ISNULL(@.Field, Field)
> So if the value is null, it simply avoid the check.
> But now I'm screwed, for the first time I have to do this on fields that
> be null... and well, it returns NOTHING.
> of course, WHERE Field IS NULL works like a charm, but I need this to be
> working so if it's null, it skips the filter, if not, it does it.
> Any help would be appreciated.
>|||How about :
[col1] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[col2] [datetime] NULL
col1 col2
-- ---
1 2005-02-17 22:15:22.263
2 2005-02-15 22:15:24.920
3 2005-02-14 22:16:23.857
declare @.d datetime
set @.d = null -- try this one or the next
set @.d = '2005-02-17 22:15:22.263'
FROM test
(col2 = @.d)
FROM test
(@.d IS NULL and col2 IS NULL)
Check execution plans to see which ones are optimized the best:
David Gugick
Imceda Software|||Based on your needs, you must use one of the two following statements:
Where (Field = @.Field)
Where @.Field is Null OR (Field = @.Field)
Where (@.Field is Null and Field is Null) OR (Field = @.Field)
Where (@.Field is Null and Field is Not Null) OR (Field = @.Field)
There is also an option in SQL-Server that will make the equality (Null =
Null) return True instead of False but I don't suggest using it; otherwise
you will have a continuous moving target.
S. L.
"Nicolas LeBlanc" <> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I just noticed today, after a long time, that if you do a
> SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Field = Field
> And that Field is null, it will return NOTHING at all...
> Problem is, in my search stored procedures, I always use:
> SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE Field = ISNULL(@.Field, Field)
> So if the value is null, it simply avoid the check.
> But now I'm screwed, for the first time I have to do this on fields that
> be null... and well, it returns NOTHING.
> of course, WHERE Field IS NULL works like a charm, but I need this to be
> working so if it's null, it skips the filter, if not, it does it.
> Any help would be appreciated.
>|||Personally -- if I can get away with it security-wise -- I would rather use
dynamic SQL to solve these kinds of issues...
Adam Machanic
SQL Server MVP
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> How about :
> CREATE TABLE [test] (
> [col1] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
> [col2] [datetime] NULL
> GO
> col1 col2
> -- ---
> 1 2005-02-17 22:15:22.263
> 2 2005-02-15 22:15:24.920
> 3 2005-02-14 22:16:23.857
> 4 NULL
> 5 NULL
> 6 NULL
> 7 NULL
> 8 NULL
> declare @.d datetime
> set @.d = null -- try this one or the next
> set @.d = '2005-02-17 22:15:22.263'
> FROM test
> (col2 = @.d)
> FROM test
> (@.d IS NULL and col2 IS NULL)
> Check execution plans to see which ones are optimized the best:
> --
> David Gugick
> Imceda Software
>|||Seems about right. I wonder why I didn't think of that one before...
I sure won't go into dynamic sql, no way!
Merci !
"Sylvain Lafontaine" <sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)> a
crit dans le message de news:Ozl8y$dFFHA.3732@.TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl...
> Based on your needs, you must use one of the two following statements:
> Where (Field = @.Field)
> Where @.Field is Null OR (Field = @.Field)
> Where (@.Field is Null and Field is Null) OR (Field = @.Field)
> Where (@.Field is Null and Field is Not Null) OR (Field = @.Field)
> There is also an option in SQL-Server that will make the equality (Null =
> Null) return True instead of False but I don't suggest using it; otherwise
> you will have a continuous moving target.
> S. L.
> "Nicolas LeBlanc" <> wrote in message
> news:%23VrpzvdFFHA.3312@.TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
>|||If there is only one predicate, then the simplest solution would be:
If @.Field IS NULL
SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE Field = @.Field
Of course with more predicates this approach becomes unwieldly.
Nicolas LeBlanc wrote:
> Hello,
> I just noticed today, after a long time, that if you do a
> SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Field = Field
> And that Field is null, it will return NOTHING at all...
> Problem is, in my search stored procedures, I always use:
> SELECT ... FROM Table WHERE Field = ISNULL(@.Field, Field)
> So if the value is null, it simply avoid the check.
> But now I'm screwed, for the first time I have to do this on fields that C
> be null... and well, it returns NOTHING.
> of course, WHERE Field IS NULL works like a charm, but I need this to be
> working so if it's null, it skips the filter, if not, it does it.
> Any help would be appreciated.

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