Friday, March 9, 2012

Help needed in Table partition

I'm doing horizontal partition with partition key as an
integer datatype.It's a part of primary key also.When i
search for a particular value, it's fetching correct
results ,but if we examine execution plan all the
partitions are searched for a particular search.
Please help me to fetch the correct result in execution
Thanks in advance,
is your primary key clustered? Are you saying the the execution plan does a
table scan?
Hilary Cotter
Looking for a book on SQL Server replication?
"Sunish" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I'm doing horizontal partition with partition key as an
> integer datatype.It's a part of primary key also.When i
> search for a particular value, it's fetching correct
> results ,but if we examine execution plan all the
> partitions are searched for a particular search.
> Please help me to fetch the correct result in execution
> plan
> Thanks in advance,
> Sunish
yea, the primary key is a clustered one.When i checked
the execution p[lan it shows Clustered Index Scan for
each partition ......also instead of compute saclar it's
showing Concatenation ,Cost=2%.
Thanks in advance

>--Original Message--
>is your primary key clustered? Are you saying the the
execution plan does a
>table scan?
>Hilary Cotter
>Looking for a book on SQL Server replication?
>"Sunish" <> wrote in message
yea, the primary key is a clustered one.When i check
the execution plan it shows Clustered Index Scan for
each partition ......also instead of compute saclar it's
showing Concatenation ,Cost=2%.
Thanks in advance

>--Original Message--
>is your primary key clustered? Are you saying the the
execution plan does a
>table scan?
>Hilary Cotter
>Looking for a book on SQL Server replication?
>"Sunish" <> wrote in message
yea, the primary key is a clustered one.When i check
the execution plan it shows Clustered Index Scan for
each partition ......also instead of compute saclar it's
showing Concatenation ,Cost=2%.
Thanks in advance

>--Original Message--
>is your primary key clustered? Are you saying the the
execution plan does a
>table scan?
>Hilary Cotter
>Looking for a book on SQL Server replication?
>"Sunish" <> wrote in message
yea, the primary key is a clustered one.When i check
the execution plan it shows Clustered Index Scan for
each partition ......also instead of compute saclar it's
showing Concatenation ,Cost=2%.
Thanks in advance

>--Original Message--
>is your primary key clustered? Are you saying the the
execution plan does a
>table scan?
>Hilary Cotter
>Looking for a book on SQL Server replication?
>"Sunish" <> wrote in message
|||I think this is normal.
Hilary Cotter
Looking for a book on SQL Server replication?
<> wrote in message
> hi,
> yea, the primary key is a clustered one.When i checked
> the execution p[lan it shows Clustered Index Scan for
> each partition ......also instead of compute saclar it's
> showing Concatenation ,Cost=2%.
> Thanks in advance
> Sunish
> execution plan does a
Since it has to search for the corresponding partition
only rather than searching the entire partition views ,i
think i am wrong some where .
also in the execution plan ,it has to show compute scalar
instead of concatenation, as i referred to articles which
i collected from the net.
please inform if there is any other way i need to perform
this .
my query is like this only
select * from detailstable where programcode =222
>--Original Message--
>I think this is normal.
>Hilary Cotter
>Looking for a book on SQL Server replication?
><> wrote in message
as an[vbcol=seagreen]
also.When i[vbcol=seagreen]

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