Friday, March 9, 2012

Help needed in a Query

I have a query that need to do something like this.

About the data:
I have a rules table which has got all the rules, and a log table that has the logs which says whether the rules are satisfied or not over a point of time.

select rules, sum(decode(status,'pass','1')) as passed, sum(decode(status,'fail',1)) as failed from rulestable,logstable where

My expected Output
Rule1 passed= 10 failed=12
Rule2 passed=11 failed=15

But i donot have decode() function in mssql nor can I use IF ELSE here. Can anyone please tell me how this can be implemented here?

Thanksselect rules, sum(decode(status,'pass','1')) as passed, sum(decode(status,'fail',1)) as failed from rulestable,logstable where

But i donot have decode() function in mssql nor can I use IF ELSE here. Can anyone please tell me how this can be implemented here?

Thanks select rules,
sum(CASE status WHEN 'pass' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as passed,
sum(CASE status WHEN 'failed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as failed
from rulestable INNER JOIN logstable ON
ANSII Joins used too. HTH|||Thanks a lot. It worked.

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