Friday, March 9, 2012

Help needed in establishing connection

I recently migrated SQL Server 2005 which we use for our internet site and other internal applications, to it's own server. SQL used to be on the development PC. However now I am having security issues.

I keep getting an error message when I try to connect to the server from the development PC that the SQL server is not set up or does not allow remote connections. I have made sure that ASPNET is a user. I have also run aspnet_regsql to set up the internet users database.

What other security features do I need to check? I am more of a VB developer than a SQL admin so any help is appreciated.

FYI - This is a small network that does not run any form of Windows Server. I am using IIS 5.1. TCP/IP and Named Pipes is enabled.


Additional information - I tried to telnet using the server/instance 1433 and I get this message:

Could not open connection to the host, on port 1433: Connect failed

2nd update - I turned OFF the firewall (Windows) to the SQL server and now it seems to work. I did add port 1433 as an exception so I am not sure what that is not working. And I also really do not feel comfortable in turning off the firewall. However, now it is working. I know it is not an ideal situation for SQL Server, but the machine it is running on is using XP with SP2.


Take a look and see if any of the answers in this thread help you:


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