Friday, March 9, 2012

help needed for 2 tables

hi everyone, i've added 2 tables one is on adding, the other one is on returning. but when i return, the dropdownlist keeps displaying those which are returned already. it shouldnt display because i've already returned.

here are the codes that i add,

"INSERT INTO record VALUES( '" + dateOfIncoming + "', '" + manifestNo + "', '" + hoName + "','" + hoRemarks + "', '" + toName + "', '" + toRemarks + "', '" + purpose + "', '" + timeEntered + "', '" + dateEntered + "', 'Out')"

here are the codes that i return

"INSERT INTO returnRecord VALUES( '" + dateOfIncoming + "', '" + manifestNo + "', '" + hoName + "','" + hoRemarks + "', '" + timeEntered + "', 'In')"

here are the codes that i wanna display in the dropdownlist which i have set the status = IN. means they have returned already so it should display.

this is wad i tried what its wrong -->

"select a.manifestNo from record a, returnRecord r where a.status = 'Out' And r.status = 'In'"

my dropdownlist cant retrieve those records that are already returned. i suspect is the select statement that is wrong. but i cant figure out how. please help me!

regards, ethan

Instead of using inline SQL you really should use stored procedures, if you rewrite these as stored procedures you will be able to test them more effectively in sql management studio. Are you trying to sleect manifestNo from both tables, i think the error lies around returnecord r - you are specifiying the table but the select.


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