Friday, March 9, 2012

Help Needed ! , Data Migration from MS Access2003 to SQL Express 2005

Hi ,

I have a requirement to migrate the data from an existing MS Access database to a newly designed SQL Express 2005 database . Need less to say the table structures in both are totally different.I would like to know how can i handle a scenerio where i want to map table A in access to table B in SQL express (the schema of both different and the number of columns can vary too) , how do i migrate the data from table A in Access to Table B in SQL express using SSMA?

Also i would appreciate if some one can tell me is SSMA the right tool for this , or should i use the upsizing wizard of MS Access.If there is no change in schema between source and destination databases (more of upsizing) then the process is pretty straight forward , The constraint here is that the data needs to be migrated to a new schema where the column names and number of columns can vary between the source table and destination table.. I just need to migrate data only and no other objects.

Need Help!



Hi Mahesh,

SSMA is a right tool for migration and refer discussion at TechNet for troubleshooting

and refer this thread too

Hemantgiri S. Goswami

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