Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Help Moving a Database, Associated Logins and Objects

Hello. Newbie here....
I am attempting to move a database, logins, objects from 7 to 2000.
I've tried the copy database wizard, but it gives me a "failed to
create the share OMWWIZE" error.
I've search the MSDN, but the only solution says there are problems
with permissions. I've logged in as SA on both boxes...
Please help, I'm new to this and confused.A likely cause of the error is that the MSSQLServer service account does not
have permissions to the share. However, it's a fairly simple task to do
this manually using the following steps:
1) make note of the existing file locations:
EXEC sp_helpdb 'MyDatabase'
2) detach database
EXEC sp_detach_db 'MyDatabase'
3) copy database files to new location
4) attach database files from new location:
EXEC sp_attach_db 'MyDatabase',
See for more
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"JD" <> wrote in message
> Hello. Newbie here....
> I am attempting to move a database, logins, objects from 7 to 2000.
> I've tried the copy database wizard, but it gives me a "failed to
> create the share OMWWIZE" error.
> I've search the MSDN, but the only solution says there are problems
> with permissions. I've logged in as SA on both boxes...
> Please help, I'm new to this and confused.

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