Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Help me: About Sql server Internet merge Replication

i am working on merge replication over internet
i configure each and everything as Paul told in artical
i configure TCP\IP port at client network utility as 1433, also server at
server network utility as 1433
also FTP port at publisher properties is 21
but it is not working
it show error as "sql server not exist or access denied"
i configure client computer using client network utility,
server computer by server network utility
also proper publication and subcriber and ftp root
please solve my problem
need u'r kind help
thanking you
I'm still pretty new at some of this replication stuff. But I went and
pinged the subscriber from the publisher and vice versa. Then I set up
Aliases through the configuration tool using TCP\IP and setting the alias
name equal to that of the Server (i.e. My local server: S-HUNLEY). I don't
know if this is helpful, but it sounds like to me that your servers just
can't see one another and an alias, using TCP/IP or even a linkedserver may
Good Luck!!
Scott E. Hunley (MCAD)
Measure Twice, Cut Once!!!
"amy" wrote:

> i am working on merge replication over internet
> i configure each and everything as Paul told in artical
> i configure TCP\IP port at client network utility as 1433, also server at
> server network utility as 1433
> also FTP port at publisher properties is 21
> but it is not working
> it show error as "sql server not exist or access denied"
> i configure client computer using client network utility,
> server computer by server network utility
> also proper publication and subcriber and ftp root
> please solve my problem
> need u'r kind help
> --
> thanking you
> amy
|||thanks for reply
please tell me how to set up
Aliases through the configuration tool using TCP\IP
i done pinging from subsciber from publisher and also publisher to subsciber
thanking you
"Scott Hunley" wrote:
> I'm still pretty new at some of this replication stuff. But I went and
> pinged the subscriber from the publisher and vice versa. Then I set up
> Aliases through the configuration tool using TCP\IP and setting the alias
> name equal to that of the Server (i.e. My local server: S-HUNLEY). I don't
> know if this is helpful, but it sounds like to me that your servers just
> can't see one another and an alias, using TCP/IP or even a linkedserver may
> help.
> Good Luck!!
> --
> Scott E. Hunley (MCAD)
> Measure Twice, Cut Once!!!
> "amy" wrote:
|||If you were able to ping the machines successfully from one another then
that's a good sign. Now, in the Configuration Tool:
1. Right-Click the Alias node on the tree.
2. Enter the Name of the server you are communicating with (make sure these
are exactly the same.
3. Enter a port number, by default SQL uses 1433
4. choose TCP/IP
5. Enter the IP address of the server your communication with.
That should give you a way of communicating to the server.
Try that and let me know.
Scott E. Hunley (MCAD)
Measure Twice, Cut Once...
"amy" wrote:
> thanks for reply
> please tell me how to set up
> Aliases through the configuration tool using TCP\IP
> i done pinging from subsciber from publisher and also publisher to subsciber
> --
> thanking you
> amy
> "Scott Hunley" wrote:
|||I got the same error all morning while working with my Replication problems.
I got past this error by going into the properties for the publication and
adding my IUSR_MACHINENAME account to the publication access list. It started
working like a champ. This is with SQL 2005, I'm not sure of how to do it
with SQL 2000.
Hope this helps.
"amy" wrote:

> i am working on merge replication over internet
> i configure each and everything as Paul told in artical
> i configure TCP\IP port at client network utility as 1433, also server at
> server network utility as 1433
> also FTP port at publisher properties is 21
> but it is not working
> it show error as "sql server not exist or access denied"
> i configure client computer using client network utility,
> server computer by server network utility
> also proper publication and subcriber and ftp root
> please solve my problem
> need u'r kind help
> --
> thanking you
> amy

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